
This is about referral nurturing and client generation. If you’d like to get all the leads and sales you can handle every month by being seen as the Go-To Authority in your area and NOT have to do all the heavy lifting yourself for as little as $350 per month (a small setup fee applies).

Our team will book a great event venue (with waived fees, minimums and guarantees), run targeted social media marketing, give you unlimited access to exclusive education on deep referral relationships, and all the custom-branded event materials mailed to your doorstep, for as little as $350 per month.



You can even split the cost with partners and sponsors to cut your costs in half or even pay for your entire program!

If you’re meeting all the people you need and getting all the leads and sales you can handle already, fantastic!

But if not, we are here to help at an affordable price. If you’d like to learn more about applying to secure your own Rockstar Connect event and reserve your local territory.

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